10 Kunci Pintu Canggih Digital Buat Rumah Modern
Pernah kebayang agan masuk rumah tanpa perlu mikirin dimana kuncinya disimpen?
Selalu, ada si bibi kok di rumah
Pernah ragu2 apakah udah ngunci rumah atau belum saat berangkat kerja?
Ga pernah...kan ada si bibi di rumah
Bagi yang ga ada si bibi di rumah, ini mungkin menarik untuk dimiliki.
1. Samsung SHS-7120 With Data Logging Capability
Spoiler for SHS-7120:

Access Methods 1- Passcode using the touch screen. 2- RFID cards. 4 Supplied 3- Mechanical Keys. 2 supplied Samsung SHS7120 developed by Samsung was released at the ISC West Security expo. Samsung SHS-7120 for Office Security & Access Control system provides the ultimate protection with convenient features for your home or office. Software Audit Trail 5000 events and PC enrollment(Optional). The lock has a USB port to download and upload data. The PC-Based software allows you to time and date stamped 5000 events by simply download them from the lock using a USB data port. 7.2 Juta rupiah |
2. Samsung SHS-5230 Biometric (Finger Print)
Spoiler for SHS-5230:

Access Methods 1- Passcode using the touch screen. 2- Finger print 3- Mechanical Keys. 2 supplied 4- Remote control 4.3 Juta rupiah |
3. ADEL Biometric Door Lock (Finger Print)
Spoiler for ADEL:

Access Methods 1- Finger print 2- Mechanical Keys
3.8 Juta rupiah |
4. Gateman F10 Biometric
Spoiler for Gateman F10:

Access Methods 1- Finger print 2- Passcode using the touch screen 2.4 Juta rupiah |
5. Samsung SHS-2320
Spoiler for SHS-2320:

Access Methods
1- Passcode using the touch screen.
2- RFID cards. 4 Supplied
Equiped with fire alarm, intruder alarm, motion detector inside the house to ensure human present when opening the lock, and anti tampering alarm.
1.9 Juta rupiah
6. Trilogy Alarm Lock PDL3000
Spoiler for PDL3000:

Access Methods
1- Passcode.
2- RFID cards
3- HID proximity access
Trilogy Electronic Digital Proximity Locksets
Grade 1 - Prox ID Card Reader - Accepts Most IC Cores
- Provide access for up to 2000 users, with prox ID-cards or 3 to 6 digit codes including: Master, manager, supervisor and basic user. Users are individually programmed to use a card only, code only, or, for the highest security, both card and code.
- Built-in HID Prox reader for entry with HID prox ID cards and keyfob credentials
- Grade 1 BHMA Certified durability and rugged clutch mechanism ensure long dependable life
- Weatherproof performance for indoor and outdoor applications, wide operating temperature range of -31°F to +151°F (-35°C to +66°C)
- Electronic master key system with access customized to each user's hours - Give each user access to common areas and/or their individual area(s) and do so defined by the actual times they are permitted entry there.
- Codes are fingertip programmable -or- downloadable via PC (with Free Windowsbased Alarm Lock Trilogy Software) or using optional Data Transfer Module
7. Samsung SHS-5120 Future Standard Lock
Spoiler for SHS-5120:

1- Passcode using the touch screen.
3- Mechanical Keys. 2 supplied
- Lower house insurance cost when installed in certain country!
- Affordable cost compare to buy high quality mechanical lock, burglar alarm, fire alarm, and intruder sensors combine.
3.5 Juta rupiah
8. Samsung SHS-2920 NEW PRODUCT
Spoiler for SHS-2920:

1- Passcode using the touch screen.
3- NFC Near Field Communication
- Bisa buka pintu dengan HP yang support NFC, HP kita kunci pintu rumah gan!
- Harganya yang relatif terjangkau dengan keamanan tingkat tinggi, dilengkapi alarm perusakan, alarm pemaksaan, dan alarm kebakaran
1.8 Juta rupiah
9. Gateman F100 Biometric
Spoiler for Gateman F10:

Access Methods 1- Finger print 2- Passcode using the touch screen 4 Juta rupiah |
Semua perangkat ini dioperasikan dengan batre, jadi ga pengaruh jika listrik rumah mati. Kalo batre abis dia ada terminal batre di bagian luarnya yang bisa dihubungkan ke batre 9V untuk menyalakannya setelah itu baru masukkan PIN atau RFID atau fingerprint.
10. Belum Ketemu ^_^
+ comments + 1 comments
wihh cangih ya gan kunci pintunya, bahkan sampai menggunakan sidir jari, tapi kalo pintu kamar mandi sepertinya tidak membutuhkan kunci seperti itu :D
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